Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mother nature

What can I say today we are hearing of another disaster. My heart goes out to all the people affected. In Australia it still continues for FNQ, flooding all around them. 

 Let's hope things pickup for them soon.

hold close the one's you love

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What can I say wasting more time waiting waiting. when will he understand that we exist

Friday, December 24, 2010

Today is my birthday and so far it is just like any other day
The older I get the more it seems to be a hassle having my birthday on this day. when I was little is was so special in my teens it was still the same and now I'm reaching 50 it's loosing all it's magic.
Anyway everyone have a nice day

Sunday, December 19, 2010

19th December 2010

Hi, I just joined. My ever so smart daughter told me this would be a good way to calm down.

suppose to be cleaning the house for an inspection 2moro, I really can't be bothered.
David did his bit and it looks great.